Three Kick-Ass Breakfasts – You’re Welcome

I work from home. So I spoil myself. Of course I do. Wouldn’t you? Every day at just after eleven in the morning, I leave my office and go to the kitchen and make some pretty great breakfasts. I’ll share my favorites. You should have thought of them. Maybe you did. But in case you didn’t, I’m here for you.

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Gelatin for joint pain

Kind of a random post, but this is a random blog with no followers so I don’t care. I find that some things I post get a lot of Google searches and help people and this will be one of them. But add me to the list of people who swear by gelatin for join pain.

I had knee pain for several weeks thanks to the treadmill when my dad recommended it. Just one little packet of Knox gelatin mixed in a cup of orange juice. Once per day. By the third day there was a noticeable difference. After a week, the pain was reduced by more than half. But that’s as far as it went.knox2

However, I started changing the workout a bit, stretched in advance. And that got rid of the rest of the pain. Two months later, my wrist was acting up for a couple of days. One glass of OJ with gelatin, next day the pain was gone. Knee pain, that was re-emerging just a little bit, was gone as well.

Anyway, there you have it. One week will do it, and then I’m guessing every couple of months take a glass of it to keep holding it bay.

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